Tuesday, 28 December 2021


Wednesday, 22 December 2021


Wednesday, 1 December 2021


Monday, 4 October 2021

虽然人类看似强大,无所不能,但其实这都是些自大的想法 ,所谓人外有人,天外有天;对于庞大的宇宙而言,人类却是连个宇宙里的尘埃都能“杀死”的存在。


不过我们也确实是“一”的身份之一,都是这世界独一无二的存在。我们每个存在都有自己的价值,都是互相影响着,运转着。 所以无需看轻自己;可也不能有此类自大的想法; “万物皆一”,无论强/弱,大/小,对/错。


Saturday, 24 July 2021

 You are never not loved, you just didn't notice that you are being loved by the world, feel their energy, they are always here for u 💖

Tuesday, 20 July 2021


Sunday, 18 July 2021

Wednesday, 28 April 2021


Friday, 19 March 2021


 Why do we compromise to be someone who v r not, why conform? Why compromise? Everyone shines as they are, why r v trying to be someone v r not? There's a reason to be bounded by the world's expectations, but there's also a choice to not compromise. You r the choice of your own life. You are endless possibilities. 

Even if I'm not accepted by the world of my thinking, I will not compromise anymore. This is my promise to myself. I will find my way back home, back to the home of my true self and I believe my guides will assist me thru this journey. They r always rooting for me, loving me. The greatest gift that I could receive from being myself , is to know the all loving energy that surrounds us. They supported us in our choices, every choices v made and always waits for us, guides us, loves us. 

Love is the answer to my life... By basking into their love, I'm learning love. Thank you love..♥️

Sunday, 28 February 2021


Wednesday, 20 January 2021

