Monday, 30 June 2014

Everything happen for a reason (y)
Sam Berns philosophy of life.

One of the great people hu suffered from illness, but was happy.
It makes me think that, sometimes when people have more things, people tend to feel sad and lonely..
Its like you have to lose something to notice the little n happy things in life.
I believed that sometimes life is hard because life wants us to know happiness. :D

Sunday, 29 June 2014



Saturday, 28 June 2014

啊。。 == 怎么办。。性格越来越偏离。。TT
To me  books are the greatest treasure in d world xD

Tuesday, 24 June 2014


Saturday, 21 June 2014

臭头脑!!!你可以长进一点吗?!?!?! 每次重要的东西你就忘忘忘!!!!!! 啊啊啊啊啊!!!! TT 还有你可以不要这么懒吗????!!!!

Friday, 20 June 2014

没有了解,经过别人的人生,就不要不懂装懂。 这句话说得很对阿~。。

Thursday, 19 June 2014

处于地平线的我,何时要越过呢?? Haihh 不行,不行~~

Sunday, 15 June 2014


Saturday, 14 June 2014

我老师真的是很厉害啊! 在做运动的时候,这么激烈,口水一滴都出不来,老师竟然可以一直讲话,,之后还可以唱歌,肺活量真是好到不行!!不愧是老师啊!!!!敬佩敬佩!!!!

Friday, 13 June 2014

Y r girls always being perceive as sexual object or weak?!!

Wednesday, 11 June 2014


Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Comparison. A type of perception which is bad for people if they are being used wrongly. I am one of the example that used comparison wrongly. I always comparing myself with others. My course mate all of them are intelligent, good and they are capable of doing work. Each time when i compare myself with them i felt inferior. I start to feel like i wanted to be someone like them able to do their work effectively and efficiency. I wanted to be someone as funny as them. Sometimes, i lost my way. Am i doing the right things? Am i really suitable for this course? Can i really success? Can i really do something for someone? Can i really be as clever as them? All these type of question came to me when i with them. I feel tired and breathless. Sometimes i will also think that i am good for nothing. I know i have to stop comparing myself to the others, but they are too outstanding, i really envy them.

But, look on bright side. I have my own character too. I am also capable of doing my job even though i am lack of experience. But, ya know what? Experience can be earn. I am not too bad also!! I have my own good qualities too! Shouldn't have look down on myself right! They have their own life, I have mine too! Why look down on myself for what is not belong to me? I am me and they are they. I am a total different person compared to them right! Why compare myself with the others???!!

Monday, 9 June 2014

before knowing the person, don't categorize them.. U don't know what they have experienced.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

How to train your dragon 2 is one beautiful movie!! XD

Thursday, 5 June 2014

人生就是不断的从错误中学习 :)
do not forget things that made you who you are today .. :D

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

look into the future you will b happy too
--- law of ueki!
You value, you believe,
Your feelings play important part of your lives
---tom morris
Too much thinking can get in d way of action or feeling
Thinking should guide us rather than replace action
------------- tom morris
Mind is a powerful thing, false beliefs can have great impact on us
-------- tom morris
People can die of mere imagination
------- Chaucer

I really agreed to this statement haha because I really faced cases where I imagination kills me xD

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Stop this battle!
Live the way you want!
It's your life!
---- Kobasen!

Monday, 2 June 2014

哇!!!!!现在才发现我的coursemate全部都很厉害了!我呢?!我呢!?TT 突然间很怕未来阿!TT_TT

Sunday, 1 June 2014

幸福就在于日常生活中琐碎的小事~ :D